Firebolt Cotton by Vapefly. An easy wicking 3mm cotton, Firebolt cotton is highly absorbent and free of harmful chemicals, manufactured with no acetone or glue. Perfect for rebuildable atomisers and rebuildable tank atomizers. The benefit of pre-cut wicks is that they making setting up rebuildable atomisers much quicker, perfect if you’ve just started using RDAs.
Each bag of Firebolt includes 20 pre-cut cotton wicks and includes a unique “Scratch and Reveal” product authentication sticker.
To purchase Prebuilt Coils CLICK HERE
- 11cm (4.33 inch) Cotton Wicks
- Resealable Packet
- Designed For Use With Rebuildable Atomisers
- 100% Organic
- Medical Grade
- Super Absorbent
- Suited To High Wattage Vaping
- Compatible With A Range Of Coils
- Long-Lasting
These strips are created from 100% organic cotton, which helps better preserve the flavour from your eliquid, leaving no nasty aftertaste. Resistant to heat, Firebolt cotton can be used at a range of wattages to suit your vaping style.
Each strip has been fitted with a plastic end like a shoelace, known as an aglet. The aglet allows you to thread your cotton through your coils smooth. When threaded just cut off the excess and the plastic end.
1 x Vapefly Firebolt Cotton Wicks 11cm 20pcs