Vaping Support


If you’re new to vaping, there’s a wealth of information to absorb, ranging from basic vaping knowledge and selecting the appropriate vape kit to more advanced techniques like Sub-Ohm vaping and enhancing e-liquid flavours. As you embark on your vaping journey, you may be curious about the expiration date and longevity of vape juice.

Does Vape Juice Expire?

Yes, vape juice does have an expiration date, typically indicated on the bottle and extending approximately 1-2 years into the future. The primary ingredients in vape juice, propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG), both commonly used in food production as preservatives, contribute to the extended shelf life. However, the addition of synthetic flavours and, in some cases, nicotine will eventually lead to the deterioration of the e-liquid.

Is Expired Vape Juice Harmful?

While there’s no evidence that expired e-liquids pose harm, they lose their desirable taste and vaping experience. The flavour is usually the first element to degrade, and you may not achieve the desired nicotine hit. Although not harmful, expired vape juice won’t provide the optimal vaping experience.

Preventing Vape Liquid from Expiring:

1. Proper Storage:

Store e-liquid in a dark, dry cupboard.

Avoid direct sunlight and excessive heat, as they can break down chemical components.

If storing in a vape pen, keep it upright when not in use.

2. Secure Seals:

You need to make sure e-liquid bottle lids are tightly sealed to prevent air, dust, or contaminants from entering.

3. Minimal Purchases:

Only buy as much e-liquid as needed to use within a few weeks or months.

Consider subscription services for regular, timely deliveries without excess waste.

Choose providers, that offer flexible options for adjusting subscriptions or buying single bottles as needed.

By following these practices, you can reduce the likelihood of your e-liquid expiring prematurely. Opting for a subscription service ensures you consistently have the right amount of vape liquid without the risk of surplus going bad.